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Čeští junioři na mistrovství světa - aktualizováno

Aktualizováno - rozhovor s Nathanem Heilmannem!
Čeští junioři skončili na MS na 16. místě.

Průběžné výsledky zápasů jste mohli sledovat buď na nebo,7368.

Kompletní výsledku zápasů české reprezentace U20:

ČR - Francie 7:17
ČR - Lotyšsko 10:17
ČR - Kanada 2:17
ČR - Velká Británie 5:17
ČR - Kolumbie 2:17
ČR - Itálie 12:17
ČR - Švédsko 8:17
ČR - Švýcarsko 16:15
ČR - Irsko 13:17


Pohled trenéra U20

Trenéra české juniorské dvacítky, Nathana Heilmanna, se na průběh šampionátu zeptala Radka Balážová.

1. What was the preparation of Juniors team for the WUJC? Why Open and not the Mixed?
As a team we met for two training camps and five tournaments. There is no mixed division in Junior Ultimate.
2. How did you choose the final roster?
The team chose to go with 17 players and only 18 were interested so I cut the one women interested in going.
3. What was the seeding for the team, your personal expectations of final placement?
We were seeded 11th and I expected we would play well against the other European teams.
4. How the team performed at the event. Was there any progress in a team performance, any injuries? What was the strenght and weaknesses of the team?
The team performed quite poorly in comparison to last year"s European results. I think the boys learned some new defensive tactics. We had a few minor injuries and only one player missed multiple days of the tournament. Our biggest strength was the boy"s game experience going into the WJUC. Our biggest weakness was our lack of speed, physical stamina, and endurance compared to our opponents at the tournament.

5. Was the WJUC result success or disappointment?
I was surprised to see how much better the competition was compared to us. However, the boys and I learned a lot and so the only disappointed I have is the fact the Czech Republic was unable to send a women"s team and thus missed a chance to learn those same lessons.
6. What is the future of the team, do you plan to be a coach for the next year, what is the next challenge for the team?
The goal for the team should be to grow as rapidly as possible in size in order to select more physically fit players for next years championships. The boys would benefit from having some stability in coaching staff. I would be happy to continue as coach but would very much like a co-coach. The next challenge for the team is to develop the propper work ethic and level of physical intensity at trainings that will allow us to catch up with the rest of Europe.
Česká U20 na WJUC 2010 Heilbronn
Česká U20 na WJUC 2010 Heilbronn - zápas se Švýcarskem

Autor: Redakce, 10. 8. 2010

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